20/01/25   ·
Exclusief voor leden
28 juni gaat Europese toegankelijkheidswet in
De implementatie van de European Accessibility Act (EAA) brengt grote veranderingen met zich mee voo...
20/01/25   ·
Introduction to Uncover 8: Internationalisation
These are dynamic times, characterised by widely differing opinions about and movements around internationalisation. Creating a themed Uncover issue at this time could be seen as choosing the right moment to take a breath of fresh air amidst the storm. With the current turbulence, taking stock of where we actually are, where we have come from and where we are going is a meaningful process. For BUas and ALE, it is clear that internationalisation has been in their very fibres from the beginning and that the added value of intercultural classroom settings is something to be nurtured sustainably.
20/01/25 · Leisure · Onderzoek | Lees meer
20/01/25   ·
The InnovaT Project
In this article we will look back on the InnovaT project and highlight some of the key insights and lessons learned during the process, accumulating into an outlook on how to design higher education that is well equipped for the future. The InnovaT project was an initiative aimed at enhancing innovation in teaching and learning approaches, fostering modernisation in Higher Education Institutes (HEIs) in Chile and Peru. This project was co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.
20/01/25 · Onderzoek | Lees meer
20/01/25   ·
The sports venue of the future
BUas is participating in a European Erasmus+ programme to design the sports venue of the future. This collaborative initiative involves partners from three countries - the Netherlands, Portugal, and Turkey - working collectively to innovate and validate sustainable sports facilities. There is a growing emphasis on how new sports centres in neighbourhoods and rural areas contribute to inclusion, social cohesion, mutual respect, and sportsmanship. Highlighting these aspects is crucial for fostering a sense of community through sports engagement. Sports is a powerful tool to unite people as it is accessible to many people of all ages and sports venues are places where people come together. Therefore, it could enhance social cohesion and inclusion.
20/01/25 · Onderzoek · Sport | Lees meer
20/01/25   ·
European Universities shaping Higher Education
BUas has joined the KreativEU University Alliance (Knowledge & Creativity European University), a decision that is going to shape our strategy for the coming decade. European Universities Alliances (EUAs) are collaborative networks of higher education institutes across Europe. They are established under the European Universities Initiative (EUI), which is part of the broader Erasmus+ 2021-2027 programme. The EUI aims to foster strategic partnerships among universities to enhance education, research, and innovation. By doing so, it seeks to improve the quality and international competitiveness of the European higher education sector. The initiative also emphasises community engagement and societal impact, positioning European Universities as models of best practices in these areas. Overall, the EUAs are designed to drive cooperation, enhance the global competitiveness of European education and research, and contribute to the innovation potential within Europe. The European Commission supports the creation of these alliances by providing financial backing, to form 60 EUAs involving over 500 institutes by mid-2024, of which 50 EUAs are already financed. The final call for Erasmus+ funding, which was published in autumn 2023, represented the last opportunity for institutes like BUas to join an EUA.
20/01/25 · Onderzoek | Lees meer
20/01/25   ·
The European classroom of Urban Life and Placemaking
Leisure & Events Management students at BUas can opt for the ‘Urban Life & Placemaking’ (ULP) track. ULP uses events and leisure activities to help students develop and enrich cities, making them liveable and loveable. It encourages student participation in city event design and social interventions. ULP has an international perspective, learning from examples abroad and exposing students to the experiences of people with very different backgrounds. As part of ULP, students spend a semester (30 ECTS credits) in a European city with a small group of peers. This part is known as ‘Living in the City’ (LITC).
20/01/25   ·
A rollercoaster process of genuine mutual value creation
For several years, Breda University of Applied Sciences (BUas) has been involved in the development of an international master's programme in the field of attractions and theme parks management. Together with Universitat Rovira I Virgili (URV) in Spain as a steadfast partner, efforts have been underway for several years now to establish such a programme, with quite some milestones having been reached already. While several other partners have both joined and departed along the way, the entire process has brought forth many valuable and precious outcomes going beyond the development of a master’s programme alone. In that sense, the development process of this master’s programme is a textbook example of how international academic cooperation can lead to genuine mutual value creation.
20/01/25   ·
The STEPup project
In this article we will explore how the insights generated and lessons learned from the STEPup project enhance and nurture a strategy towards future collaborative processes and social entrepreneurship of a new level within higher educational institutes (HEIs).
20/01/25 · Onderzoek | Lees meer
20/01/25   ·
STRETCH ideas, visions, exchange and international projects
A few years ago, VIVES University of Applied Sciences in Kortrijk, Belgium, took the initiative to start a collaboration with different universities from all over Europe. The Events for Business specialisation from Academy for Leisure & Events teamed up with them. It all started with a conference by VIVES in which lecturers at universities of Lapland, Germany, Finland, Scotland, Belgium and the Netherlands participated. This article tells the story of the start, the driving forces and the future of this wonderful experience: hiccups, success factors, but above all, becoming a team of international teachers who facilitate the exceptional intercultural learning process of students and lecturers from participating universities.
20/01/25 · Leisure | Lees meer

20/01/25   ·
Exclusief voor leden
Wie zijn uitgeroepen tot ANWB Camping van het Jaar?
Camping De Kleine Wolf in Nederland is uitgeroepen tot ANWB Camping van het Jaar. Camping44 in Italië werd de Europese winnaar. Deze campings zijn gekozen door 11.000 kampeerders.
20/01/25   ·
Europa-Park breidt uit met gigantische westernstad
Europa-Park zet grote stappen met de uitbreiding van zijn populaire Camp Resort. Het bestaande gebied wordt getransformeerd tot een indrukwekkende westernstad, genaamd Silver Lake City. T
17/01/25   ·
Landbouw en toerisme hand in hand op Grüne Woche
Op de prestigieuze internationale landbouwbeurs Grüne Woche in Berlijn heeft Nederland vandaag het innovatieplein ‘Land of Future Food’ geopend. Onder het motto ‘Farming the Future’ presenteert ons land de nieuwste ontwikkelingen op het gebied van duurzame landbouw en streekproducten.
17/01/25 · | Lees meer
17/01/25   ·
Exclusief voor leden
Records voor Spanje maar focus verschuift
Spanje heeft in aantallen toeristen en bestedingen het beste jaar achter de rug. Het aantal toeristen groeide naar zo’n 94 miljoen (+10%) en de uitgaven kwamen uit op 126 miljard euro. Dat is 16% meer dan een jaar eerder. Maar het toerismemodel gaat wel veranderen. Dat maakte minister van Industrie en Toerisme, Jordi Hereu Boher bekend.
17/01/25 · Toerisme | Lees meer
17/01/25   ·
Flessen inzamelen voor natuurbehoud
Bezoekers van DierenPark Amersfoort hebben het afgelopen jaar een indrukwekkende bijdrage geleverd aan natuurbehoud wereldwijd. Mede dankzij een grootschalige flessenactie is er een recordbedrag van 159.000 euro opgehaald voor het DierenPark Amersfoort Wildlife Fund.
17/01/25   ·
Exclusief voor leden
MarinaParken breidt uit met overname Camping de Eenhoorn
MarinaParken heeft Camping de Eenhoorn in Schardam overgenomen en gaat deze verder exploiteren onder de naam MarinaPark Bad Markermeer. Deze locatie aan het Markermeer wordt daarmee het zesde vakantiepark in de portfolio van MarinaParken.
17/01/25   ·
Tevredenheid bij organisatoren Vakantiebeurs en Horecava
De Vakantiebeurs heeft dit jaar ruim 71.000 bezoekers getrokken en 6.300 reisprofessionals bezochten de Travel Trade Days in de Utrechtse Jaarbeurs. In Amsterdam wis de Horecava 67.000 professionals te trekken.
17/01/25 · Horeca · Toerisme · Vakanties | Lees meer
16/01/25   ·
Friesland presenteert zich op Boot Düsseldorf als de watersportprovincie van Nederland
Visit Friensland is aanwezig op de grootste watersportbeurs ter wereld waar exposanten en bezoekers de nieuwste trends en innovaties delen en ontdekken.
16/01/25   ·
Winnaars Parkvakanties Awards 2025 bekendgemaakt
Bezoekers van recreatieplatform Parkvakanties heeft gestemd. Landal GreenParks en Resort Hof van Saksen kregen de meeste prijzen.

20/01/25   ·
Exclusief voor leden
28 juni gaat Europese toegankelijkheidswet in
De implementatie van de European Accessibility Act (EAA) brengt grote veranderingen met zich mee voo...
20/01/25   ·
Introduction to Uncover 8: Internationalisation
These are dynamic times, characterised by widely differing opinions about and movements around internationalisation. Creating a themed Uncover issue at this time could be seen as choosing the right moment to take a breath of fresh air amidst the storm. With the current turbulence, taking stock of where we actually are, where we have come from and where we are going is a meaningful process. For BUas and ALE, it is clear that internationalisation has been in their very fibres from the beginning and that the added value of intercultural classroom settings is something to be nurtured sustainably.
20/01/25 · Leisure · Onderzoek | Lees meer
20/01/25   ·
Exclusief voor leden
Wie zijn uitgeroepen tot ANWB Camping van het Jaar?
Camping De Kleine Wolf in Nederland is uitgeroepen tot ANWB Camping van het Jaar. Camping44 in Italië werd de Europese winnaar. Deze campings zijn gekozen door 11.000 kampeerders.
20/01/25   ·
Europa-Park breidt uit met gigantische westernstad
Europa-Park zet grote stappen met de uitbreiding van zijn populaire Camp Resort. Het bestaande gebied wordt getransformeerd tot een indrukwekkende westernstad, genaamd Silver Lake City. T
20/01/25   ·
The InnovaT Project
In this article we will look back on the InnovaT project and highlight some of the key insights and lessons learned during the process, accumulating into an outlook on how to design higher education that is well equipped for the future. The InnovaT project was an initiative aimed at enhancing innovation in teaching and learning approaches, fostering modernisation in Higher Education Institutes (HEIs) in Chile and Peru. This project was co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.
20/01/25 · Onderzoek | Lees meer
20/01/25   ·
The sports venue of the future
BUas is participating in a European Erasmus+ programme to design the sports venue of the future. This collaborative initiative involves partners from three countries - the Netherlands, Portugal, and Turkey - working collectively to innovate and validate sustainable sports facilities. There is a growing emphasis on how new sports centres in neighbourhoods and rural areas contribute to inclusion, social cohesion, mutual respect, and sportsmanship. Highlighting these aspects is crucial for fostering a sense of community through sports engagement. Sports is a powerful tool to unite people as it is accessible to many people of all ages and sports venues are places where people come together. Therefore, it could enhance social cohesion and inclusion.
20/01/25 · Onderzoek · Sport | Lees meer
20/01/25   ·
European Universities shaping Higher Education
BUas has joined the KreativEU University Alliance (Knowledge & Creativity European University), a decision that is going to shape our strategy for the coming decade. European Universities Alliances (EUAs) are collaborative networks of higher education institutes across Europe. They are established under the European Universities Initiative (EUI), which is part of the broader Erasmus+ 2021-2027 programme. The EUI aims to foster strategic partnerships among universities to enhance education, research, and innovation. By doing so, it seeks to improve the quality and international competitiveness of the European higher education sector. The initiative also emphasises community engagement and societal impact, positioning European Universities as models of best practices in these areas. Overall, the EUAs are designed to drive cooperation, enhance the global competitiveness of European education and research, and contribute to the innovation potential within Europe. The European Commission supports the creation of these alliances by providing financial backing, to form 60 EUAs involving over 500 institutes by mid-2024, of which 50 EUAs are already financed. The final call for Erasmus+ funding, which was published in autumn 2023, represented the last opportunity for institutes like BUas to join an EUA.
20/01/25 · Onderzoek | Lees meer
20/01/25   ·
The European classroom of Urban Life and Placemaking
Leisure & Events Management students at BUas can opt for the ‘Urban Life & Placemaking’ (ULP) track. ULP uses events and leisure activities to help students develop and enrich cities, making them liveable and loveable. It encourages student participation in city event design and social interventions. ULP has an international perspective, learning from examples abroad and exposing students to the experiences of people with very different backgrounds. As part of ULP, students spend a semester (30 ECTS credits) in a European city with a small group of peers. This part is known as ‘Living in the City’ (LITC).
20/01/25   ·
A rollercoaster process of genuine mutual value creation
For several years, Breda University of Applied Sciences (BUas) has been involved in the development of an international master's programme in the field of attractions and theme parks management. Together with Universitat Rovira I Virgili (URV) in Spain as a steadfast partner, efforts have been underway for several years now to establish such a programme, with quite some milestones having been reached already. While several other partners have both joined and departed along the way, the entire process has brought forth many valuable and precious outcomes going beyond the development of a master’s programme alone. In that sense, the development process of this master’s programme is a textbook example of how international academic cooperation can lead to genuine mutual value creation.
20/01/25   ·
The STEPup project
In this article we will explore how the insights generated and lessons learned from the STEPup project enhance and nurture a strategy towards future collaborative processes and social entrepreneurship of a new level within higher educational institutes (HEIs).
20/01/25 · Onderzoek | Lees meer
20/01/25   ·
STRETCH ideas, visions, exchange and international projects
A few years ago, VIVES University of Applied Sciences in Kortrijk, Belgium, took the initiative to start a collaboration with different universities from all over Europe. The Events for Business specialisation from Academy for Leisure & Events teamed up with them. It all started with a conference by VIVES in which lecturers at universities of Lapland, Germany, Finland, Scotland, Belgium and the Netherlands participated. This article tells the story of the start, the driving forces and the future of this wonderful experience: hiccups, success factors, but above all, becoming a team of international teachers who facilitate the exceptional intercultural learning process of students and lecturers from participating universities.
20/01/25 · Leisure | Lees meer
20/01/25   ·
The role of leisure in transitioning towards inclusive cities
As of January 2024, two academies of Breda University of Applied Sciences (BUas), namely Academy for Leisure & Events and Academy of Built Environment & Logistics, together with Placemaking Europe, Superwien, KÉK, the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, amongst others, are partners of the international research project, InclusiveCity, which as the name suggests focuses on inclusive urban development. This was made possible thanks to an intergovernmental research and innovation?programme, called Driving Urban Transitions (DUT), which stimulates partnerships to address key challenges of European Cities in urban transitions towards sustainability while bettering the quality of lives of their citizens.?
20/01/25 · Leisure | Lees meer
20/01/25   ·
The transformative power of the Imagineering field trip
International field trips provide real-life experiences related to the integral entity of study programmes, enabling students to inquire about varied content-related information by observing, analysing, inquiring, and devising their own explanations for how and what they are learning. The Master in Imagineering study programme relates to the connotation of expedition learning, where both educators and learners co-create a common ground for transformation and evolution design. Therefore, the role of the field trip is referred to as a significant milestone and experiential learning pillar of the educational model.
20/01/25 · Leisure · Onderzoek | Lees meer
20/01/25   ·
Internationalisation in the European arena
Founded in 1989, the European Association for International Education (EAIE), is a non-profit, member-led association serving over 3,000 members from more than 95 countries. It is the European hub for knowledge, expertise, and networking in the internationalisation of higher education. The EAIE is supported by 38 staff members from 21 countries in its headquarters in Amsterdam. The EAIE is one community, working together to drive responsible international higher education now and in the future. The EAIE’s mission is to empower the international higher education sector, demonstrate the impact and value of internationalisation, and influence policymakers and the public. We achieve this mission through a rich mix of professional development opportunities, conferences, and knowledge sharing.
20/01/25 · Leisure · Onderzoek | Lees meer
20/01/25   ·
Nuffic grants everyone an enriching experience at international level
The Uncover editors talked to Lem van Eupen of Nuffic, the Dutch association for internationalisation in education. Lem is manager of the Europe pillar (Nuffic is organised in three pillars: Global, Europe, Netherlands), director of the Dutch National Agencies Erasmus+ and acting director at Nuffic.
20/01/25 · Leisure · Onderzoek | Lees meer
20/01/25   ·
Demography is destiny
The phrase ’Demography is Destiny’ has been attributed to the French philosopher and father of sociology, Auguste Comte who argued that the size and composition of a country’s population will determine its future. So, what is currently happening with global demography and why is that relevant to the internationalisation of education?
20/01/25 · Leisure · Onderzoek | Lees meer
20/01/25   ·
The evolution of our internationalisation strategy from a historical perspective
BUas envisions itself as a leading international knowledge institute by 2030, distinguished by industry-relevant, high-quality, and innovative education and research. We aspire to create a small-scale, personal, sustainable, diverse, and inclusive learning environment that fosters individual innovative capacity. How has internationalisation always been the bedrock of BUas' aspirations? In the current political landscape, how can internationalisation continue to be the driving force propelling us towards achieving our ambitious goals?
20/01/25   ·
Internationalisation is in our DNA.
The Uncover editors talked to Jorrit Snijder (President of the Executive Board of Breda University of Applied Sciences since 2020) about the significance and strategy of and developments in internationalisation at BUas.





||| Nieuws |||

Exclusief voor leden
Wie zijn uitgeroepen tot ANWB Camping van het Jaar?
Camping De Kleine Wolf in Nederland is uitgeroepen tot ANWB Camping van het Jaar. Camping44 in Italië werd de Europese winnaar. Deze campings zijn gekozen door 11.000 kampeerders.
Europa-Park breidt uit met gigantische westernstad
Europa-Park zet grote stappen met de uitbreiding van zijn populaire Camp Resort. Het bestaande gebied wordt getransformeerd tot een indrukwekkende westernstad, genaamd Silver Lake City. T
Landbouw en toerisme hand in hand op Grüne Woche
Op de prestigieuze internationale landbouwbeurs Grüne Woche in Berlijn heeft Nederland vandaag het innovatieplein ‘Land of Future Food’ geopend. Onder het motto ‘Farming the Future’ presenteert ons land de nieuwste ontwikkelingen op het gebied van duurzame landbouw en streekproducten.
Exclusief voor leden
Records voor Spanje maar focus verschuift
Spanje heeft in aantallen toeristen en bestedingen het beste jaar achter de rug. Het aantal toeristen groeide naar zo’n 94 miljoen (+10%) en de uitgaven kwamen uit op 126 miljard euro. Dat is 16% meer dan een jaar eerder. Maar het toerismemodel gaat wel veranderen. Dat maakte minister van Industrie en Toerisme, Jordi Hereu Boher bekend.
Flessen inzamelen voor natuurbehoud
Bezoekers van DierenPark Amersfoort hebben het afgelopen jaar een indrukwekkende bijdrage geleverd aan natuurbehoud wereldwijd. Mede dankzij een grootschalige flessenactie is er een recordbedrag van 159.000 euro opgehaald voor het DierenPark Amersfoort Wildlife Fund.
Exclusief voor leden
MarinaParken breidt uit met overname Camping de Eenhoorn
MarinaParken heeft Camping de Eenhoorn in Schardam overgenomen en gaat deze verder exploiteren onder de naam MarinaPark Bad Markermeer. Deze locatie aan het Markermeer wordt daarmee het zesde vakantiepark in de portfolio van MarinaParken.
Tevredenheid bij organisatoren Vakantiebeurs en Horecava
De Vakantiebeurs heeft dit jaar ruim 71.000 bezoekers getrokken en 6.300 reisprofessionals bezochten de Travel Trade Days in de Utrechtse Jaarbeurs. In Amsterdam wis de Horecava 67.000 professionals te trekken.
Friesland presenteert zich op Boot Düsseldorf als de watersportprovincie van Nederland
Visit Friensland is aanwezig op de grootste watersportbeurs ter wereld waar exposanten en bezoekers de nieuwste trends en innovaties delen en ontdekken.

||| Blogs |||

Gij zult innoveren
Gij zult innoveren
26/11/24 · CELTH · Horeca · Michel Brokke | Lees meer
Uw ideale schoonzoon of dochter? Dat is vast een hotelmanager, restauranteigenaar of ondern...
Vakantieparken als Mini-Dorpjes: een vloek of een zegen?
Op een zwoele zomerdag stroomden gezinnen toe naar Wortelpop bij Camping & Vakantiepark...
Waardevol toerisme vraagt om regie van de overheid
Het florerende toerisme in de voormalige Oostelijke Mijnstreek -tegenwoordig Parkstad Limburg- bewij...
Driven nationally, delivered locally
Driven nationally, delivered locally
22/05/24 · · Menno Stokman | Lees meer
In april vond in Nieuwspoort het debat plaats over de bezoekerseconomie in 2050. Dolf Janse...
Beste Femke
Column van Herre Dijksma over het spreiden van toerisme in de vorm van een open brief aan Femke Halsema, burgemeester van Amsterdam

||| Agenda |||

27/01/25 t/m 27-01-25: Plant Powered Dinner Talk
Op maandag 27 januari 2025 vindt de allereerste Plant Powered Dinner Talk plaats bij resta...
29/01/25 t/m 02-02-25: Caravana
Van 29 januari t/m 2 februari 2025 is de WTC Expo in Leeuwarden het toneel van Caravana 20...
06/02/25 t/m 10-02-25
06/02/25 t/m 10-02-25: Studiereis Lapland
HISWA-RECRON organiseert een exclusieve inspiratiereis voor leden naar Lapland om nieuwe inzichten t...
12/02/25 t/m 13-02-25
12/02/25 t/m 13-02-25: Recreatie Next Level: dé next step naar inspiratie & kennis voor de recreatieprofessional
Recreatie Next Level is dé next step naar inspiratie en kennis voor de (toekomstige) rec...
11/03/25 t/m 11-03-25: Frysk Toerisme Festival
Op 11 maart keert het toonaangevende kongres voor toeristisch Friesland terug. Deze keer i...
90 dagen proeflidmaatschap