Geplaatst op: 08-03-2015
Auteur: Ko Koens

Insightful presentation of Albert Postma at ITB Berlin

Insightful presentation of Albert Postma at ITB Berlin
Professor Dr. Albert Postma of Stenden University and CELTH delivered a sucessful keynote on the topic of visitor pressrue during the ITB Destinations Day in Berlin on Thursday 5 March. As the number of international tourists rises, popular city destinations like Venice and Barcelona are starting to suffer from an overload of tourists, a loss of authenticity as well as conflicts with the local population. However, the the limits of the world’s most important city destinations, and how can conflicts be avoided, largely remains unclear.

Professor Postma discussed the topical issue of visitor pressure among residents in a lively presentation and highlighted how visitor pressure differs per city. A particular difference could be observed between established destinations like Amsterdam and Berlin, and upcoming destinations. Afterwards Lars Bernhard Jørgensen, the Managing Director of Wonderful Copenhagen reflected on the topic of visitor pressure and offered further insights into the tensions that politicians in tourist cities need to navigate.

You can watch the keynote again online through the livestream at the ITB website. Click here to go the site.
Trefwoorden: urban tourism, visitor pressure, ITB

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