Geplaatst op: 22-05-2015
Auteur: Ko Koens

Managing visitor pressure in urban tourism

Managing visitor pressure in urban tourism

The discussion around the balance between visitors and inhabitants is discussed frequently in the press. It appears that, particularly in major tourism cities, the balance between visitors and inhabitants is increasingly disturbed because of overcrowding, excessive noise and other nuisances caused by tourists. The  Centre of Expertise of Leisure, Tourism and Hospitality is launching a study to discuss this subject.

no tourists allowed

In talking with professionals in the industry, policy makers professors and students, we were pleased with the great amount of interest that these groups showed in following this dicussion and our findings. To accommodate them we have created this Weblog to help them join the discussion on line. Not only will we regularly post updates on progress of our own findings, but we also will regularly put forward statements or theses that we hope you will comment on. Your contributions will help further the debate on this pressing issue in urban tourism.

Trefwoorden: urban tourism, city hospitaliy, visitor pressure, policy problems, city management, city tourism

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