Geplaatst op: 04-03-2015

Ondrej Mitas about Cities in Transition

Ondrej Mitas about Cities in Transition
Next week NHTV organizes in close co-operation with CELTH the conference Cities in Transition. During this two-day event you will gain the latest insights into subjects including slow and smart cities, social innovation, city hospitality, placemaking, social media and new technology, as well as the impact of leisure and tourism policies on future city development. On we will present in a series of short movies several speakers.

Above all, we are looking forward to exploring together with you and many other experts the new frontier for the multi-faceted challenges in our cities ahead of us. We will ensure many opportunities to meet new cooperation partners and to strengthen your network. You will go home inspired with new personal connections, ideas and solutions to better our cities in the future.

Ondrej Mitas about Cities in Transition
On we will present in a series of short movies several speakers. The first is Ondrej Mitas a lecturer and research manager in Tourism at NHTV Breda University of Applied Sciences in the Netherlands. Ondrej researches the emotional processes in tourist experiences and their effects on people’s well-being. On the conference Ondrej will talk about challenges of well-being in the city.

Cities are becoming increasingly concentrated, populated, connected, and thus desirable. In the most desirable cities, the cost of living is rising to a level affordable only by wealthier individuals. At the same time, there is a global shift in focus from wealth to health, whereby people would rather live an vital, enjoyable life than a materially rich one. Some aspects of contemporary cities, such as crowding, pollution, and built environment, are not compatible with this trend. In fact, much research on well-being shows that aspects of rural lifestyles such as green spaces, growing food, and silence are crucial for well-being. These findings imply recommendations for city planners and would-be healthy populations.

Trefwoorden: celth, stedelijk toerisme






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