Geplaatst op: 02-11-2022
Auteur: Anne van den Broek & Jeffrey van Houwelingen
Breda University of Applied Sciences
Publicatie: Uncover 6

Having one good friend can make a difference

Leisure as a tool to make impact

Having one good friend can make a difference

Leisure time is an amazing time. It is the time to enjoy and that makes you feel alive. However, Leisure is more. Leisure can be used to make an impact. But how? In this article we dive into how Buddy to Buddy and theater performance ‘Hoe ik talent voor het leven kreeg’ (‘How I got talent for life’) make impact.

Anne van den Broek is a lecturer at Breda University of Applied Sciences with a focus on making impact with Leisure as instrument.
Jeffrey van Houwelingen is a graduate of the track Social Innovation at Breda University of Applied Sciences.

Marginalization of forced immigrants

The University of Bournemouth did research into ways how leisure and forms of physical activity can have an important role in the lives of refugees and forced migrants.

To quote Dr Nicola De Martini Ugolotti; "Forced migrants are often marginalised and considered to be a problem that needs to be solved or managed, or to be objects of charitable interventions at best,” he says. "They can be viewed as a threat to the UK or as traumatised victims. One of the implications of this which has been highlighted by my research is that to be a refugee means to be stuck in this label where you are just a victim or a ‘bogus’ refugee, and it’s very hard to escape from those labels.”

The research is aimed at exploring how seemingly mundane activities matter in the life of someone who is seeking asylum, and to see the relevance of these practices in helping to displace or change the narratives about forced migration. Sports, culture, art, and many other facets of leisure bring added meaning to the lives of many. ‘This is not any different for forced immigrants. Leisure brings joy, leisure brings connections and leisure is a human right’ (United Nations, 1948).

One person can be the link to our society and is therefore very valuable in the exploration of a new existence.

One friend can be the portal

Buddy to Buddy is an amazing example of low-key mundane activities that have an impact on the lives of many of these forced migrants. Buddy to Buddy is working in no fewer than 12 municipalities in the Netherlands to connect newcomers to fellow citizens. Newcomers and fellow citizens are paired up one on one to enter into a four-month Buddyship. The most important spearheads are equality, linking based on the same interests and the desire for sustainable and accessible contact. The Buddyship is not only about opening up your world and learning about new cultures. It is also about making new friendships and breaking through the social isolation among status holders and integrated refugees. They meet each other, from having a cup of coffee together to meeting each other's family and friends at Christmas or the Sugar Fest. Buddy to Buddy shows that an empathic and compassionate approach is wished-for in impactful leisure activities. It brings the individual needs into collective surroundings without forcing anything on anyone.

Theater performance

In the grand performance ‘Hoe ik talent voor het leven kreeg’ (based on the book by Rodaan Al Galidi) theater, music and dance come together. An interesting mix of actors, musicians and dozens of newcomers work together to tell the penetrating and humorous story of a young man who applies for asylum in the Netherlands. They take you along into the bizarre lives of the people who live and work in the asylum seekers' center and who sometimes get hopelessly entangled in the system. Through theater they let you experience what it's like to deal with things that you as a Dutch Citizen have nothing to do with on a daily basis. It makes visitor look at the system differently.

There is also a connected Expedition, which is a melting pot of worlds and perspectives. People from the AZC, newcomers, entrepreneurs, policymakers, theatre lovers, artists, visitors, and anyone else who wants to join in come together to broaden their horizons, meet each other and discuss the question: how do we accommodate people in a humane way? And why is the encounter between 'old' and 'new' Dutch people still sometimes difficult? (

Leisure for impact

The word Leisure is derived either from the Latin word ‘licere’ meaning ‘to be free’ or the Old French ‘leisir’ with the meaning ‘to enjoy oneself’. These two combined makes that leisure is about individual personal experiences. That leisure time is different for every individual. Contradictory, leisure time is also about connecting, about meeting the other, meeting the unknown and meeting an experience. About shared experiences.

The meaning of leisure might be different to everyone. As described in the American Journal of Social Science Research, not a single description of leisure has entirely captured the social, psychological, physical, mental, physiological, and cultural contents that leisure carries (Adesoyee & Ajibua, 2015). While long explanations of concepts of leisure can be explained, like the leisure concept model (Compton & Hanson, 1980), it is far more important to understand how individuals perceive leisure.

With a multitude of meanings regarding leisure, we can say with some certainty that leisure time is different for every individual and that this is an essential factor for the leisure sector. The key towards creating impact with leisure is to find out together what the meaning of leisure is. Are you and your target group talking about the same meaning of leisure? Examples such as Buddy to Buddy impacted lives by seeing that leisure time is different for every individual. They do not fill in for others on what should happen with their leisure time. They facilitate a platform in which you can undertake different leisure activities without it being determined for you what that is.

Co-creation is key

Co-creation is the magic word in organizing activities. We often see that leisure activities are organized for a specific target group without having conversations with the target group. We want to ask politely at the leisure industry no longer to see the target group as an abstract entity, but as the people who create the leisure activity with you. It takes two to tango, the process of leisure creation is something to do collaboratively. By doing so, new opportunities arise and overlapping frames of perspective will be discovered. Emerging friendships and interconnections are the tools to form impactful leisure time.

When you organize, it's mostly from your own frame of reference. It is hard to reach outside this reference until you get inspired or have had a chat with someone with another frame of reference. Due to the individualistic society we live in, we no longer learn to have a look outside our own frame of reference. Collective thinking is a key to break down the walls of the frames.

The key towards creating impact with leisure is to find out together what the meaning of leisure is.

Becoming reactive

To summarize; making impactful leisure is more about creating possibilities for others to act than it is about acting yourself. In today's rapidly changing society, we must recognize the power of the leisure industry. We can make a difference in many people's lives. To organize impactful leisure time, we may need to move away from one of our core principles, which is to be proactive. Sometimes it might be better to be reactive. Talk with each other and listen compassionately. Discover deeper needs, co-create and act collaboratively towards an impactful future

Check if you want to know more about Buddy to Buddy?


  • Adesoyee, A., & Ajibua, M. (2015). Exploring the Concept of Leisure and Its Impact on Quality of Life. American Journal of Social Science Research, 1, pp. 77-84
  • Compton, E. C., & Hanson, D. (1980). Recreation and Leisure Programming: A Guide for Professionals. USA Saunder College
  • United Nations. (1948, December 10). Universal Declaration of Human Rights (Article 24). Opgehaald van United Nations Website:
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