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Geplaatst op: 25-02-2024
Auteur: Roland Kleve
Breda University of Applied Sciences
Publicatie: UNCOVER07Column

Closing Column

Closing Column

I am honoured to close this year’s edition Uncover. Reading all the different in-depth articles I was wondering how to conclude. Also, I wanted to share with you what really kept me awake at night these past few months, which is Chat GPT OpenAI. Not because it worries me but because I cannot stop fantasising about the countless possibilities. One way or another, we are going to have to deal with this new technical application. How do we handle this? Will we condemn it? Are we going to do everything possible to go against it? Or will we embrace it? How can we work with this new tool and toy to our advantage? I do not have the answers, but I know one thing, we cannot stop it. I wanted to test it myself and share it with you. I must say that, in the end, the column became a co-creation between OpenAI and me. It was interesting and I learned a lot.

Roland Kleve is director of the Academy of Leisure & Events, Breda University of Applied Sciences.

Here we go
Edition no. 7 brings an incredible reading journey and exploration into Leisure for a Better Future. Through these different articles we see exciting developments and rebellious discussions. Remarkable initiatives that push the boundaries of what leisure and events can achieve in driving societal change.

I am proud to see our commitment to creating a difference for and with students, lecturers, and industry partners. Our mission is to position them in the middle of our education and have them explore the power of leisure and events. They will continue to build bridges and foster collaborations to make a real and positive impact on our world.

I wanted to highlight some topics - not to do injustice to all the others but they are just too numerous to go into them all here.

One of the most remarkable trends we have witnessed is the steep rise of esports among our new generation of students. Esports has become a powerful force, bringing young people together and providing a new dimension to leisure experiences. Not just as a form of entertainment but also as a platform for innovation and social interaction. I see the diversity and inclusion amongst the fan audience. To further support this development, together with the City of Breda, we initiated an esports community base, called The Hyve, at our campus.

Dutch Leisure Week
Talking about the City of Breda, they are building on the future as well, putting their citizens centre stage. Breda has taken a significant step forward by supporting the co-development process with BUas for the Dutch Leisure Week. This initiative exemplifies the idea that leisure and events can be the catalysts of change, bringing communities closer together and enhancing the overall well-being of the Breda citizens.

What I like about all these initiatives - the most inspiring aspect of leisure and events to me - is their potential to drive societal change, particularly in the areas of diversity, equality, and inclusion. By leveraging the power of these tools, we can create spaces that celebrate differences, challenge stereotypes, and promote a more inclusive society. Our commitment to this cause remains unwavering, and we will continue to champion diversity in all its forms.

World Leisure Congress 2025
Looking forward, I am delighted to announce that BUas will be hosting the esteemed World Leisure Congress in 2025. This prestigious event will bring together educational leaders, practitioners, and scholars from around the globe to explore the theme of Leisure for a Better Society. It will serve as a platform for the exchange of ideas, the celebration of achievements, and the forging of partnerships that will shape the future of leisure.

For now, we are already preparing for next year’s edition of Uncover where we shift the focus towards internationalisation and highlight the invaluable contributions of international students, staff and industry partners to our academy. We recognise the importance of diversity and cross-cultural understanding in today's interconnected world. By embracing the richness of different perspectives, we can foster an environment of innovation, collaboration, and global citizenship.

In conclusion, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to all the readers, contributors, and partners who have created this year's edition of Uncover. It is through their support and enthusiasm that we continue to push the boundaries of knowledge, challenge the status quo, and strive for a better future through leisure and events.

Here's to another year of exploration, inspiration, and making a difference.

Dit artikel is eerder verschenen in Uncover, een uitgave van het domein Leisure & Events van de Breda University of Applied Sciences. Nieuwsgierig naar de andere artikelen uit Uncover? Stuur dan een mailtje naar


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