Geplaatst op: 21-01-2025
Auteur: Iarina Dragomirescu
Breda University of Applied Sciences
Publicatie: UNCOVER08

Erasmus Student Network Breda

Your new best friend

Erasmus Student Network Breda

ESN Breda is one of over 500 sections that are part of the Erasmus+ programme, present in more than 40 countries. As a smaller branch of ESN Netherlands, ESN Breda is working towards a more inclusive community for international students in the city of Breda. The core values of this section are unity, diversity, cooperation, and integration of international students in their new community by creating fun events for them to enjoy and meet new people. ESN Breda is partnered with BUas and Avans, having close relations with Breda Internationals as well, making it one of the most international-friendly and student-friendly organisations in Breda.

Iarina Dragomirescu is a student of Creative Business at Breda University of Applied Sciences. She has experience as the Editor of HUB Magazine and works as a copywriter for ESN Breda.

Events & Programmes

What sets ESN Breda apart is their dedicated volunteer team, who always strive to put together the best events for every and all kinds of students. With events such as ESN Tuesdays, where you do not know what kind of fun activity you will get, they set the bar high when it comes to student fun in the city of Breda. The parties they organise take place monthly and have various themes, ranging from Halloween parties to Easter-themed ones, or even Neon parties, and they are the perfect opportunity to meet and befriend other students. If big parties are not for you, then ESN Thursdays might be more appealing. These get-togethers are often board game nights, movie nights, and so on, offering a more intimate atmosphere than a club filled with hundreds of people. Not big on events? Then maybe you would enjoy something a bit more personalised. ESN Breda also offers a Buddy Programme for incoming students who need new friends. This programme connects future students in Breda with local buddies, students who have been studying in Breda for at least a year, and who can answer the newcomers’ questions about their university or the city and its surroundings.

ESNcard & benefits

The ESNcard is the membership card of the Erasmus Student Network. The card helps international students to make the most of their time abroad while saving money. This personalised card offers discounts on many services as well as social and cultural events. It brings tons of local deals you can enjoy together with friends you made during ESN events. For example, if you are craving Mexican food in Breda, you can enjoy a €5 discount on all main dishes at Popocatepetl restaurant, as well as a 20% discount on all beers at Café Sam Sam. But it also gives international access to discounts in other member countries. Imagine enjoying substantial savings on essentials like Grammarly, Flixbus, or Ryanair, as well as receiving assistance with finding accommodation.

Volunteer work

Volunteers are the heart of ESN (also see the stories of Aibal and Evgenia) and ESN cannot do without volunteers. There are many opportunities to contribute as a volunteer and, moreover, for your personal development through the work for ESN. For those interested in volunteer work, ESN Breda is always looking for enthusiastic people to join their cause. With its diverse range of events and relentless volunteer work, ESN Breda is truly an oasis for the new students of Breda, empowering them to make the most out of their experience abroad.

Whether looking for new vibrant cultures to learn more about, forging new friendships or simply getting to know your new study city, ESN Breda will always be by students’ sides to walk them through their exciting new journey. So, seize the opportunity to join this dynamic and lively community, unlock exclusive benefits with the ESNCard, and embark on an unforgettable adventure filled with laughter, learning, and lifelong memories. Welcome to your new home away from home and have fun getting to know your new best friend - ESN Breda.

More information
Do you have a question, want to become a volunteer or want to stay up to date about the upcoming events? Follow @esnbreda on Instagram.

Title: ESN Student Experiences

ESN has been instrumental in providing me with a sense of home and belonging in a foreign country.

I, Aibal Jain (ESN Board Member), discovered ESN through my work as a graphic designer at ESN Breda. Spending time in the office allowed me to connect with the board and to witness the impactful work they were doing in the lives of students. ESN has also been instrumental in providing me with a sense of home and belonging in a foreign country, and it allowed me to connect with a vibrant community through all the fun events we have spent together. It facilitated both my personal and professional growth through meaningful interactions and experiences, especially through the late nights spent at parties with the people who feel like home. That is why, in the end, I decided to apply for a position on the board: to contribute to this vibrant and homey community, as ESN Breda is a family of people who always make you feel like you belong.

When you go to an event and see all the people who are having fun, you cannot help but feel fulfilled that you are part of the reason they are there.

I am Evgenia Evtimova  and became Assistant Manager at ESN. I already knew about ESN Breda from going to a few parties and always saw the Instagram posts about the events they were planning for students, and that is what caught my eye first. I was interested in what ESN is about but never really explored it further until a friend of mine who works for ESN dragged me into it. His selling proposition was that the community is very tight-knit and fun, moreover, the people you get to meet and get to know are amazing. I was immediately and warmly welcomed into the ESN Breda family, and it felt very nice to meet like-minded people who were ambitious, dedicated, hard-working, and inspiring. Moreover, as I am a media student, I joined the marketing department and I love the fact that everyone gets the opportunity to tailor what they do to their interests. The thing that surprised me is how rewarding the work feels in the end, because this is what we do it for. When you go to an event and you see all the people who show up and are having fun, you cannot help but feel fulfilled that you are part of the reason they are there.

That party marked the start of a beautiful journey and I hope that ESN can do this for other students as well.

My name is Diana B?la? (Creative Business student at BUas) and ESN Breda has played a huge part in my student life here in Breda. This organisation was one of the first ones that I had contact with and their events helped me meet my first friends in the Netherlands. I feel myself part of the ESN Family. One event I will never forget is the ESN Halloween party of 2022, where my now partner and I shared some special moments together with the other partygoers. That party marked the start of a beautiful journey and I hope that this is something that ESN can do for other students as well. If there is one piece of advice I could give to new students here, it would be to join ESN events that seem fun because you can meet very cool people there who can become your best friends.

Dit artikel is eerder verschenen in Uncover, een uitgave van het domein Leisure & Events van de Breda University of Applied Sciences. Nieuwsgierig naar de andere artikelen uit Uncover? Stuur dan een mailtje naar
Trefwoorden: onderwijs, internationale studenten, evenementen






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