


Uncover is het tijdschrift van de Academy for Leisure van de Breda University of Applied Sciences. Dit magazine verschijnt jaarlijks. Alle artikelen worden online op het kennisplatform van NRIT beschikbaar gesteld.

In Uncover:

25/02/24   ·
Industry perspectives on the future of leisure
The expert perspectives from Madelon Gilaude, Rutger de Wit and Simone Kramer on the future of leisure.
25/02/24 · Cultuur · Leisure | Lees meer
25/02/24   ·
Placemaking and experience design
Everything is space! But how everyone arranges that space for themselves and for others is becoming increasingly complex. The world is experiencing a rapid transformation in urban development, which has led to the emergence of new design approaches such as placemaking and experience design. These processes have become crucial components in creating spaces that are not only functional but also socially and culturally significant.
25/02/24 · Leisure | Lees meer
25/02/24   ·
A look into the future of placemaking
Leisure has an important relationship to time, space, and place. In leisure studies we are used to thinking about time as the basic resource for leisure. We need leisure time in order to be able to enjoy leisure, and so the struggle for leisure time has been an important focus of leisure research.
25/02/24 · Leisure | Lees meer
25/02/24   ·
Students on a placemaking mission in the city of Amsterdam
What happens if 120 second-year students go on a placemaking mission in the city of Amsterdam? A story about happy communities, making international headlines and contributing to the agenda of the Night Mayor.
25/02/24 · Leisure | Lees meer
25/02/24   ·
Is Rural the new Urban?
Rural communities face a range of negative developments that continue causing the disappearance of remote village communities and the weakening of rural social structures on a global scale. The negative trends of ongoing depopulation and increased urbanisation, fuelled by the rapid and fundamental climate, social and cultural changes therefore threaten to destruct cultural traditions that have been transferred from generation to generation. But it took us a pandemic and global climate crisis to raise attention back to the roots of nature, reflected in the global pursuit of sustainability to ask ourselves whether rural is the new urban also when it comes to placemaking?
25/02/24 · Onderzoek | Lees meer
25/02/24   ·
How to make place in and out of the classroom? 
It is a term you see pop up in strategic plans, policy documents and in education more and more: placemaking. Will it be the new ‘buzzword’ of the 2020s, or is there more beyond this flashy concept? At the Future of Leisure conference last March, it was one of the central themes, and it already has a prominent place within education. How does the Academy for Leisure & Events make sure that placemaking has a meaningful and practical application within our programmes? This article shows how and why we give placemaking a ‘place’ in our leisure curricula. 
25/02/24 · Leisure | Lees meer
25/02/24   ·
How do you measure experience and impact in the culture sector?
Experience has long been at the centre of cultural and leisure offerings. In the 1990s, it was firmly put on the agenda by Pine and Gilmore. Recently, there has been increasing talk of the transition from the “Experience Economy” to a “Transformation Economy”. That’s quite significant, from experience to impact, because as we will argue later, transformation is seen in the literature as the strongest form of impact. The concept of impact is high on the research agenda in the cultural sector. In this article, we describe some theoretical principles and explain how to measure experience and impact. We do this on the basis of a study we are currently conducting for the Netherlands Open Air Museum in Arnhem.
25/02/24 · Cultuur · Onderzoek | Lees meer
25/02/24   ·
 Student perspectives on the future of leisure
Several Leisure & Events students give their views on the future of leisure. T They tell why they chose this study, which trends inspire them, the biggest challenges for leisure and their role in it.
25/02/24 · | Lees meer
25/02/24   ·
Sustainable Futures
As our society evolves, so does our understanding of sustainability and its interplay with Leisure & Events. This complex relationship was spotlighted as one of the focus areas during the Future of Leisure Conference. Showing us the potential for a world where leisure not only coexists but thrives alongside sustainable practices.
25/02/24   ·
Leisure inspires hope for change
If you open your eyes, you see the cracks; if you listen, you hear the squeaking and creaking: nitrogen, loneliness, food banks, energy prices, working conditions, gender inequality. The old doesn't seem to work anymore. Old, mostly white, men and women talk on TV. Politicians speak in circles. Scientists say things must change. 'The world is falling apart,’ a cry of urgency to those who want to hear and those who do not. It is clear that things have to change, but how?
25/02/24 · Leisure | Lees meer
25/02/24   ·
Towards a waste-free generation
It is 2040 and there are no waste bins on the streets, and there is no litter in sight. Nothing goes to waste, food leftovers become compost, and packaging materials are valuable resources. The circular economy is alive, nature is being restored, the water flowing in our rivers is crystalline, the air we breathe is clean, and the climate is balanced. Too good to be true? 
25/02/24 · | Lees meer
25/02/24   ·
Social impact is the future
There is a growing awareness of the social impact of leisure. In companies, governments, social enterprises and in leisure science itself, both in terms of an object of study and a task: the 2014 Butler lecture, for example, made recommendations for leisure scientists to boost social impact and help society understand and address social challenges.
25/02/24 · Leisure | Lees meer
25/02/24   ·
Industry perspectives on the future of leisure
The expert perspectives from Madelon Gilaude, Rutger de Wit and Simone Kramer on the future of leisure.
25/02/24 · Cultuur · Leisure | Lees meer
25/02/24   ·
A look into the future of placemaking
Leisure has an important relationship to time, space, and place. In leisure studies we are used to thinking about time as the basic resource for leisure. We need leisure time in order to be able to enjoy leisure, and so the struggle for leisure time has been an important focus of leisure research.
25/02/24 · Leisure | Lees meer
25/02/24   ·
Is Rural the new Urban?
Rural communities face a range of negative developments that continue causing the disappearance of remote village communities and the weakening of rural social structures on a global scale. The negative trends of ongoing depopulation and increased urbanisation, fuelled by the rapid and fundamental climate, social and cultural changes therefore threaten to destruct cultural traditions that have been transferred from generation to generation. But it took us a pandemic and global climate crisis to raise attention back to the roots of nature, reflected in the global pursuit of sustainability to ask ourselves whether rural is the new urban also when it comes to placemaking?
25/02/24 · Onderzoek | Lees meer
25/02/24   ·
How do you measure experience and impact in the culture sector?
Experience has long been at the centre of cultural and leisure offerings. In the 1990s, it was firmly put on the agenda by Pine and Gilmore. Recently, there has been increasing talk of the transition from the “Experience Economy” to a “Transformation Economy”. That’s quite significant, from experience to impact, because as we will argue later, transformation is seen in the literature as the strongest form of impact. The concept of impact is high on the research agenda in the cultural sector. In this article, we describe some theoretical principles and explain how to measure experience and impact. We do this on the basis of a study we are currently conducting for the Netherlands Open Air Museum in Arnhem.
25/02/24 · Cultuur · Onderzoek | Lees meer
25/02/24   ·
Sustainable Futures
As our society evolves, so does our understanding of sustainability and its interplay with Leisure & Events. This complex relationship was spotlighted as one of the focus areas during the Future of Leisure Conference. Showing us the potential for a world where leisure not only coexists but thrives alongside sustainable practices.
25/02/24   ·
Towards a waste-free generation
It is 2040 and there are no waste bins on the streets, and there is no litter in sight. Nothing goes to waste, food leftovers become compost, and packaging materials are valuable resources. The circular economy is alive, nature is being restored, the water flowing in our rivers is crystalline, the air we breathe is clean, and the climate is balanced. Too good to be true? 
25/02/24 · | Lees meer
25/02/24   ·
Placemaking and experience design
Everything is space! But how everyone arranges that space for themselves and for others is becoming increasingly complex. The world is experiencing a rapid transformation in urban development, which has led to the emergence of new design approaches such as placemaking and experience design. These processes have become crucial components in creating spaces that are not only functional but also socially and culturally significant.
25/02/24 · Leisure | Lees meer
25/02/24   ·
Students on a placemaking mission in the city of Amsterdam
What happens if 120 second-year students go on a placemaking mission in the city of Amsterdam? A story about happy communities, making international headlines and contributing to the agenda of the Night Mayor.
25/02/24 · Leisure | Lees meer
25/02/24   ·
How to make place in and out of the classroom? 
It is a term you see pop up in strategic plans, policy documents and in education more and more: placemaking. Will it be the new ‘buzzword’ of the 2020s, or is there more beyond this flashy concept? At the Future of Leisure conference last March, it was one of the central themes, and it already has a prominent place within education. How does the Academy for Leisure & Events make sure that placemaking has a meaningful and practical application within our programmes? This article shows how and why we give placemaking a ‘place’ in our leisure curricula. 
25/02/24 · Leisure | Lees meer
25/02/24   ·
 Student perspectives on the future of leisure
Several Leisure & Events students give their views on the future of leisure. T They tell why they chose this study, which trends inspire them, the biggest challenges for leisure and their role in it.
25/02/24 · | Lees meer
25/02/24   ·
Leisure inspires hope for change
If you open your eyes, you see the cracks; if you listen, you hear the squeaking and creaking: nitrogen, loneliness, food banks, energy prices, working conditions, gender inequality. The old doesn't seem to work anymore. Old, mostly white, men and women talk on TV. Politicians speak in circles. Scientists say things must change. 'The world is falling apart,’ a cry of urgency to those who want to hear and those who do not. It is clear that things have to change, but how?
25/02/24 · Leisure | Lees meer
25/02/24   ·
Social impact is the future
There is a growing awareness of the social impact of leisure. In companies, governments, social enterprises and in leisure science itself, both in terms of an object of study and a task: the 2014 Butler lecture, for example, made recommendations for leisure scientists to boost social impact and help society understand and address social challenges.
25/02/24 · Leisure | Lees meer

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