25/02/24   ·
Looking at the conference morning differently
In 2023 organiseerden de Nederlandse Leisure-opleidingen de conference 'The Future of Leisure. Illustrator, DJ and student Zena-Rae Borst van de Willem de Kooning Academy Rotterdam maakte een visueel verslag van de conferentie.
25/02/24 · Leisure | Lees meer
25/02/24   ·
Technological innovation in the Leisure Society
It was already predicted in the middle of the 20th century; we are moving towards a Leisure Society. Technological innovation ensured that we had more time for a good conversation or a nice hobby. The trend did indeed develop as predicted, but leisure activities have also changed. We are currently experiencing a revival of the Leisure Society, now powered by robotics and machine learning. Artificial Intelligence is even taking over knowledge-intensive jobs. As human beings, we end up on the sidelines of the labour market. Who will have a job and who will not? And shouldn't we introduce a Basic Income so that we can all continue to participate in this leisure economy? In the meantime, we are having a great time with new gadgets and tech-driven services and experiences. 
25/02/24 · Leisure | Lees meer
25/02/24   ·
How Artificial Intelligence is Set to Transform Our Free Time
This article was written by AI, or artificial intelligence, a technology that is rapidly transforming the world we live in. As an AI language model, I have been programmed to understand and analyze vast amounts of data, and to use this knowledge to generate written content that is informative, engaging, and thought-provoking. In this article, I will explore the future of leisure and how AI is likely to shape and transform this important aspect of our lives.
25/02/24 · Leisure | Lees meer
25/02/24   ·
New technology and disruptive developments in themed entertainment
The field of themed entertainment is often regarded as one of the most innovative sectors in the field of leisure when it comes to new technologies. Not only does the content of themed entertainment heavily rely on new technologies that raise the bar of bringing fictional worlds to life (e.g. the highly advanced robotic figures that populate recent additions to various theme parks worldwide), also, new technologies are constantly being implemented to better facilitate guest experiences by taking hassles of all kinds and sorts away (e.g. mobile apps which can turn a smartphone into a theme park ticket, into a key to a hotel room and into a personalised recommendation system to avoid long queues). Recently, there have been two disruptive developments in society that challenge the themed entertainment industry to reconsider its use of technology in these domains: the rapid emergence of generative artificial intelligence (AI) applications and staffing shortage.
25/02/24   ·
How Big Data is going to change the leisure industry
We know more and more about what people do in their free time. Not only through surveys or time-use studies, but also thanks to (public) data on, for example, length of visits and facility use, which is being made increasingly insightful and accessible. Using an online tool or data dashboard such as Digitwin, the next step is to structure data for policy-makers or managers who do not specialise in dealing with this data.
25/02/24 · Leisure | Lees meer
25/02/24   ·
Game On!
Breda University of Applied Sciences (BUas) is a pioneer in esports education. Gaming is a digital form of leisure and a huge industry. There are approximately three billion gamers on this planet (Newzoo, 2021). Some people play casual games after a hard day’s work to relax, whereas for others it is a lifestyle. Creative Media and Game Technologies educates students to design and develop these games. Esports is the pillar of gaming that goes beyond its digital environment. These are titles played competitively in an organised way with official teams, tournaments and competitions. In esports it is quite common that fans watch tournaments and cheer for their favourite players and team, sometimes without actively playing the games themselves.
25/02/24 · Leisure · Sport | Lees meer
25/02/24   ·
House of Esports focuses on positive aspects
Gaming has become an integral part of children's leisure activities. Thanks to tablets, smartphones, game computers and because almost every family in the Netherlands has access to the internet, the current generation of children (born after 2000) is totally familiar with playing (online) games. Gaming has become an accepted part of leisure activities. Eighty-one per cent of all children play games regularly, half of them more than three times a week.
25/02/24 · Sport | Lees meer
25/02/24   ·
Forget about NFTs
Chances are that you have heard about NFTs the last couple of years. People were restricted to their homes looking for leisure in new places. The pandemic gave us all infinite time behind our laptops. We started to appreciate digital experiences as it was the only alternative. NFT activity grew as CryptoKitties, CryptoPunks and NBA Top Shots were minted, traded and sold. Interest soared to a full-fledged hype in March 2021 when practically all media outlets worldwide reported on the sale of The First 5,000 Days. Mike Winkelman, better known by his artist’s name Beeple, sold this artwork as an NFT for 69 million dollars. Soon after Yugalabs minted their Bored Ape Yacht Club collection of 10,000 unique illustrations of monkeys. They promised to “shape the future of web3 through storytelling, experiences and community.” More skeptical people thought they were just overpriced ‘jpegs’ of monkey cartoons.
25/02/24 · Cultuur | Lees meer
25/02/24   ·
The value of being there
How many people would never experience live music in their entire lives? How many would never be touched by being connected to a performing artist? Or, to cite the British sociomusicologist Simon Frith, “who [would say] they loved particular performers but had no desire to see them live?” (Frith, 2007). Obviously, live music is of great importance in the lives of many.
25/02/24 · Cultuur | Lees meer
25/02/24   ·
A research update from the BUas Experience Lab
Over the past few years, the Experience Lab has evolved into a truly BUas-wide platform for BUas R&D staff, and projects have been initiated and completed in all of BUas’ knowledge domains: leisure, tourism, hospitality, hotel and facility, mobility, games and media. The basis for all of the measurement tools used at the Experience Lab (neuroscience tools and more traditional quantitative and qualitative research tools) is formed by the notion that emotions are crucial in shaping memorable experiences. Therefore, in order to objectively measure whether an experience is memorable, researchers in the Experience Lab track emotions in (real) time as people are engaging in leisure, tourism, mobility, hospitality, media or game experiences.
25/02/24 · Leisure · Onderzoek | Lees meer
25/02/24   ·
Teacher perspectives on the future of leisure
The perspective of teachers Alain van Duren, Bertine Bargeman, Felix Rietbergen, Marijke Hoekstra, Youp Selen and Dafne Foet,on the future of leisure.
25/02/24 · | Lees meer
25/02/24   ·
The theme of Inclusion: Together towards an inclusive society
From the start of the preparation of the conference, it was clear that being together and utilising the experiential expertise should become the starting point for the inclusion programme. In order to outline a future, determine strategies, or reshape the design of cities, the public domain and leisure time, the participation of a diverse society was desired from the principle of "universal design". For everyone, by everyone. Not a conference merely talking "about" inclusion, but at its core striving for inclusiveness itself.
25/02/24 · Leisure | Lees meer
25/02/24   ·
A 'proper' library for Antwerp's youth
For many libraries it is not an easy task to reach young people, but in Antwerp it is getting better and better. Permeke, Antwerp's central library, has had an Urban Bib since 2016, which attracted many young people. At that time youth worker Dries Decru brought hip-hop culture into Permeke, and the young artists and partners who committed to Urban Bib laid the groundwork for a new youth library where young people are given as much space as possible to develop themselves.
25/02/24 · | Lees meer
25/02/24   ·
Working on diversity and inclusion is not a project, but a change process
The joint industry associations in the cultural and creative sector presented the Diversity & Inclusion Code (CODEDI) on 1 November 2019, a broadened version of the Diversity Code developed in 2011. The content of the CODEDI is in line with the Culture Governance Code and the Fair Practice Code, the two other codes of conduct as instruments for self-regulation within the cultural and creative sector. These three codes of conduct reinforce each other.
25/02/24 · Cultuur · Leisure | Lees meer
25/02/24   ·
Improving accessibility makes sense
“I thought we would get an inclusive society!” That was the cry from the heart of a participant at a conference on the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) in 2018. The Netherlands ratified the Convention in 2016. Since then, in the perception of many people, little has been achieved to make the country more accessible and inclusive.
25/02/24 · Leisure | Lees meer
25/02/24   ·
Konekt radically champions a world where everyone can live, learn and work together
In the context of our work in the fields of inclusive education, research and design, we sat down for a chat with Koen Deweer, founder and director of Konekt ( Konekt radically champions a world in which persons with and without disabilities live, learn and work together. The goal is clear: to allow people with disabilities to live fully in an inclusive society. In doing so, Koen and Konekt focus both on developing individuals’ full potential and on making the environment more inclusive. The origins of his drive lie in his own school experiences, as well as those of his son. Both times he observed how everyone is pushed through a system which is the same for everyone and therefore not set up to utilise personal talents. When someone is not good at something, it may lead to biased advice from teachers: “Something with psychology and pedagogy is probably beyond your depth. Maybe becoming a forester is more suitable.” When Koen noticed the same thing happening to his son, he felt: now we really have to change things.
25/02/24 · Leisure | Lees meer
25/02/24   ·
From Foxtrot to Freestyle
Complex issues in society require a different logic than the logic and methods used so far. Is it really the experts, policy-makers and trusted institutions from whom we can expect this different logic? At least in project ‘De Ader’, (The Vain) those involved did not wait for this answer. They wanted it to be different and they did do things differently.
25/02/24 · Cultuur | Lees meer
25/02/24   ·
Industry perspectives on the future of leisure
The expert perspectives from Madelon Gilaude, Rutger de Wit and Simone Kramer on the future of leisure.
25/02/24 · Cultuur · Leisure | Lees meer
25/02/24   ·
Looking at the conference morning differently
In 2023 organiseerden de Nederlandse Leisure-opleidingen de conference 'The Future of Leisure. Illustrator, DJ and student Zena-Rae Borst van de Willem de Kooning Academy Rotterdam maakte een visueel verslag van de conferentie.
25/02/24 · Leisure | Lees meer
25/02/24   ·
How Artificial Intelligence is Set to Transform Our Free Time
This article was written by AI, or artificial intelligence, a technology that is rapidly transforming the world we live in. As an AI language model, I have been programmed to understand and analyze vast amounts of data, and to use this knowledge to generate written content that is informative, engaging, and thought-provoking. In this article, I will explore the future of leisure and how AI is likely to shape and transform this important aspect of our lives.
25/02/24 · Leisure | Lees meer
25/02/24   ·
How Big Data is going to change the leisure industry
We know more and more about what people do in their free time. Not only through surveys or time-use studies, but also thanks to (public) data on, for example, length of visits and facility use, which is being made increasingly insightful and accessible. Using an online tool or data dashboard such as Digitwin, the next step is to structure data for policy-makers or managers who do not specialise in dealing with this data.
25/02/24 · Leisure | Lees meer
25/02/24   ·
House of Esports focuses on positive aspects
Gaming has become an integral part of children's leisure activities. Thanks to tablets, smartphones, game computers and because almost every family in the Netherlands has access to the internet, the current generation of children (born after 2000) is totally familiar with playing (online) games. Gaming has become an accepted part of leisure activities. Eighty-one per cent of all children play games regularly, half of them more than three times a week.
25/02/24 · Sport | Lees meer
25/02/24   ·
The value of being there
How many people would never experience live music in their entire lives? How many would never be touched by being connected to a performing artist? Or, to cite the British sociomusicologist Simon Frith, “who [would say] they loved particular performers but had no desire to see them live?” (Frith, 2007). Obviously, live music is of great importance in the lives of many.
25/02/24 · Cultuur | Lees meer
25/02/24   ·
Teacher perspectives on the future of leisure
The perspective of teachers Alain van Duren, Bertine Bargeman, Felix Rietbergen, Marijke Hoekstra, Youp Selen and Dafne Foet,on the future of leisure.
25/02/24 · | Lees meer
25/02/24   ·
A 'proper' library for Antwerp's youth
For many libraries it is not an easy task to reach young people, but in Antwerp it is getting better and better. Permeke, Antwerp's central library, has had an Urban Bib since 2016, which attracted many young people. At that time youth worker Dries Decru brought hip-hop culture into Permeke, and the young artists and partners who committed to Urban Bib laid the groundwork for a new youth library where young people are given as much space as possible to develop themselves.
25/02/24 · | Lees meer
25/02/24   ·
Improving accessibility makes sense
“I thought we would get an inclusive society!” That was the cry from the heart of a participant at a conference on the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) in 2018. The Netherlands ratified the Convention in 2016. Since then, in the perception of many people, little has been achieved to make the country more accessible and inclusive.
25/02/24 · Leisure | Lees meer
25/02/24   ·
From Foxtrot to Freestyle
Complex issues in society require a different logic than the logic and methods used so far. Is it really the experts, policy-makers and trusted institutions from whom we can expect this different logic? At least in project ‘De Ader’, (The Vain) those involved did not wait for this answer. They wanted it to be different and they did do things differently.
25/02/24 · Cultuur | Lees meer
25/02/24   ·
Technological innovation in the Leisure Society
It was already predicted in the middle of the 20th century; we are moving towards a Leisure Society. Technological innovation ensured that we had more time for a good conversation or a nice hobby. The trend did indeed develop as predicted, but leisure activities have also changed. We are currently experiencing a revival of the Leisure Society, now powered by robotics and machine learning. Artificial Intelligence is even taking over knowledge-intensive jobs. As human beings, we end up on the sidelines of the labour market. Who will have a job and who will not? And shouldn't we introduce a Basic Income so that we can all continue to participate in this leisure economy? In the meantime, we are having a great time with new gadgets and tech-driven services and experiences. 
25/02/24 · Leisure | Lees meer
25/02/24   ·
New technology and disruptive developments in themed entertainment
The field of themed entertainment is often regarded as one of the most innovative sectors in the field of leisure when it comes to new technologies. Not only does the content of themed entertainment heavily rely on new technologies that raise the bar of bringing fictional worlds to life (e.g. the highly advanced robotic figures that populate recent additions to various theme parks worldwide), also, new technologies are constantly being implemented to better facilitate guest experiences by taking hassles of all kinds and sorts away (e.g. mobile apps which can turn a smartphone into a theme park ticket, into a key to a hotel room and into a personalised recommendation system to avoid long queues). Recently, there have been two disruptive developments in society that challenge the themed entertainment industry to reconsider its use of technology in these domains: the rapid emergence of generative artificial intelligence (AI) applications and staffing shortage.
25/02/24   ·
Game On!
Breda University of Applied Sciences (BUas) is a pioneer in esports education. Gaming is a digital form of leisure and a huge industry. There are approximately three billion gamers on this planet (Newzoo, 2021). Some people play casual games after a hard day’s work to relax, whereas for others it is a lifestyle. Creative Media and Game Technologies educates students to design and develop these games. Esports is the pillar of gaming that goes beyond its digital environment. These are titles played competitively in an organised way with official teams, tournaments and competitions. In esports it is quite common that fans watch tournaments and cheer for their favourite players and team, sometimes without actively playing the games themselves.
25/02/24 · Leisure · Sport | Lees meer
25/02/24   ·
Forget about NFTs
Chances are that you have heard about NFTs the last couple of years. People were restricted to their homes looking for leisure in new places. The pandemic gave us all infinite time behind our laptops. We started to appreciate digital experiences as it was the only alternative. NFT activity grew as CryptoKitties, CryptoPunks and NBA Top Shots were minted, traded and sold. Interest soared to a full-fledged hype in March 2021 when practically all media outlets worldwide reported on the sale of The First 5,000 Days. Mike Winkelman, better known by his artist’s name Beeple, sold this artwork as an NFT for 69 million dollars. Soon after Yugalabs minted their Bored Ape Yacht Club collection of 10,000 unique illustrations of monkeys. They promised to “shape the future of web3 through storytelling, experiences and community.” More skeptical people thought they were just overpriced ‘jpegs’ of monkey cartoons.
25/02/24 · Cultuur | Lees meer
25/02/24   ·
A research update from the BUas Experience Lab
Over the past few years, the Experience Lab has evolved into a truly BUas-wide platform for BUas R&D staff, and projects have been initiated and completed in all of BUas’ knowledge domains: leisure, tourism, hospitality, hotel and facility, mobility, games and media. The basis for all of the measurement tools used at the Experience Lab (neuroscience tools and more traditional quantitative and qualitative research tools) is formed by the notion that emotions are crucial in shaping memorable experiences. Therefore, in order to objectively measure whether an experience is memorable, researchers in the Experience Lab track emotions in (real) time as people are engaging in leisure, tourism, mobility, hospitality, media or game experiences.
25/02/24 · Leisure · Onderzoek | Lees meer
25/02/24   ·
The theme of Inclusion: Together towards an inclusive society
From the start of the preparation of the conference, it was clear that being together and utilising the experiential expertise should become the starting point for the inclusion programme. In order to outline a future, determine strategies, or reshape the design of cities, the public domain and leisure time, the participation of a diverse society was desired from the principle of "universal design". For everyone, by everyone. Not a conference merely talking "about" inclusion, but at its core striving for inclusiveness itself.
25/02/24 · Leisure | Lees meer
25/02/24   ·
Working on diversity and inclusion is not a project, but a change process
The joint industry associations in the cultural and creative sector presented the Diversity & Inclusion Code (CODEDI) on 1 November 2019, a broadened version of the Diversity Code developed in 2011. The content of the CODEDI is in line with the Culture Governance Code and the Fair Practice Code, the two other codes of conduct as instruments for self-regulation within the cultural and creative sector. These three codes of conduct reinforce each other.
25/02/24 · Cultuur · Leisure | Lees meer
25/02/24   ·
Konekt radically champions a world where everyone can live, learn and work together
In the context of our work in the fields of inclusive education, research and design, we sat down for a chat with Koen Deweer, founder and director of Konekt ( Konekt radically champions a world in which persons with and without disabilities live, learn and work together. The goal is clear: to allow people with disabilities to live fully in an inclusive society. In doing so, Koen and Konekt focus both on developing individuals’ full potential and on making the environment more inclusive. The origins of his drive lie in his own school experiences, as well as those of his son. Both times he observed how everyone is pushed through a system which is the same for everyone and therefore not set up to utilise personal talents. When someone is not good at something, it may lead to biased advice from teachers: “Something with psychology and pedagogy is probably beyond your depth. Maybe becoming a forester is more suitable.” When Koen noticed the same thing happening to his son, he felt: now we really have to change things.
25/02/24 · Leisure | Lees meer
25/02/24   ·
Industry perspectives on the future of leisure
The expert perspectives from Madelon Gilaude, Rutger de Wit and Simone Kramer on the future of leisure.
25/02/24 · Cultuur · Leisure | Lees meer


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Momenteel geen berichten aanwezig.

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Fatih Moskee bij Grootste Museum
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Letselschade en sociale rechtvaardigheid: Een kritische evaluatie van toegang tot gerechtigheid en gelijke behandeling
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Hilversum openingsstad Open Monumentendag 2024
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