Geplaatst op: 21-01-2025
Auteur: Lars Davids
Breda University of Applied Sciences
Publicatie: UNCOVER08

Connection to Industry

Where do we stand now and what are the challenges?

Connection to Industry

Within my role as account manager, I am involved in developing strategic partnerships and collaborations with companies. Such collaborations include not only work placements, minors, and graduation projects, but also guest lectures, company visits, research, projects or networking initiatives. This is in line with BUas' strategy, with the theme of ‘Connection to Industry’ to be precise. An important question here is: how can we enter into more international partnerships to develop relevant education for industry while creating business and social impact? In my daily work, I deal with internationalisation from different perspectives. Here’s a little insight into what is going on and what challenges lie ahead.

Lars Davids works in the support team of Leisure & Events (BUas) where he fulfils the role of account manager.

Internationalisation within the education teams

The various specialisations I am involved in take different approaches when it comes to internationalisation. At Events for Business (EFB), the focus is on a few specific issues. On the one hand, there is the focus on a specific location, namely Barcelona. This is where the annual study trip including a visit to the IBTM event takes place. This global event focuses on the MICE (Meetings, Incentives, Conferences, and Exhibitions) industry. Students attend presentations, follow workshops, and make contacts with companies (e.g. for future work placements). The advantage of such a distinct focus on a location like Barcelona is that students gain in-depth insight into the local culture as well as the leisure and events sector. In addition, this destination offers numerous opportunities for practical experience and work placements, where students can directly apply their theoretical knowledge to practice. On the other hand, EFB runs a cooperation project with Vives and other European universities (see elsewhere in Uncover).

The Attractions and Theme Parks Management specialisation offers an internationally unique programme and (partly because of this) has traditionally worked with top international players such as Europapark, Tripsdrill and Disney Orlando (through CMU and Yummy Jobs). In addition to placements, students work on international projects for these renowned partners. The collaborations not only contribute to the further development of our students in a real-life environment, but also strengthen BUas’ ties with the industry.

In the Live Music & Dance Events specialisation, there are some long-term international connections (e.g. Roskilde Festival in Denmark) where students volunteer or do placements. In addition, the specialisation is looking for the right destination for the study trip. Budapest and Berlin were previous destinations, partly because of the festivals and organisations present there, but the focus may be redirected towards Spain; Madrid and Valencia. This is because of connections around the ‘Mad Cool Festival’; an annual conference and showcase that provides opportunities for students and BUas experts to network, participate in sessions, and connect with leading international organisations.

Placement positions for internationals

In general, there is a growing need for international students to do their placements in the Netherlands. A good development, but also a challenge. A shift towards more openness towards non-Dutch-speaking placement students will be needed, so that the range of available placement positions in the Netherlands meets the demand of international students. To convince more Dutch companies to take on international students for placements, you will have to highlight the benefits, such as creating more diversity and innovation in the organisation. International students bring different perspectives which can lead to new ideas. In addition, these students are often multilingual, very interesting for companies operating internationally. To conclude, international students generally have a global network, which can provide opportunities for companies to access new markets. This is something I like to advocate.

Investing in international partnerships

In the coming years, I would like to develop myself further in the field of account management and establishing national and international partnerships with companies. BUas is a member of the University Industry Innovation Network (UIIN). This international network connects professionals working in higher education and universities entering into partnerships with the professional field. Every year, UIIN organises a conference where peers meet, exchange knowledge and network. Together with several colleagues, I hope to gain experience in and inspiration about investing in international partnerships at such a conference. What are best practices? What are the do's and don'ts?

Dit artikel is eerder verschenen in Uncover, een uitgave van het domein Leisure & Events van de Breda University of Applied Sciences. Nieuwsgierig naar de andere artikelen uit Uncover? Stuur dan een mailtje naar
Trefwoorden: evenementen, concerten, festivals, onderzoek, onderwijs


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